FLP® solution is a complete security solution and fingerprint security is of the advanced security features of FLP®. A user password is replaced by his fingerprint.

You no longer need to memorize password anymore! Fingerprint stop the chance of leaking your passoword or somebody peeping your password.

When the user clicks an operation, say edit a delviery note, our FLP® solution asks for fingerprint identification. The validation process ensures only exact authorized person(s) can perform such task, and in addtion the system logs the exact person in the revision history.

Imagine the case where your staff need to sign in to the computer system every morning for attendance. With FLP® solution, you can ensure that if a staff arrives late, he cannot have the other to sign-in for him.

FLP® uses Futronic fingerprint devices and details of Futronic are in the following website:

Absolute Security
FLP® uses fingerprint security which is reliable and safe.

Reduce Error and Omission
Human error or oversight are reduced to the minimum.

Exact Authorized Person
FLP® enforces only the authorized person(s) is allowed for specific work processes.

Revision History
FLP® is built-in with revision history. With the fingerprint security, the revision history log becomes more meaningful and complete.

Avoid Excuses
Staff no longer have any excuse as the fingerprint identifies that staff has done something.


FLP® Point of Sales Management - System Overview
Read the article (PDF, 0.4 MB)

FLP® Point of Sales Management - Features and Functionalities
Read the article (PDF, 2.8 MB)


FLP® means high-quality and helps business success
'Capital'; Vol 210, November 2004.
Read the article (PDF, 0.5 MB)

FLP® solutions can be tailored to seamlessly collaborate and integrate users, departments, processes and data
'Economic Digest'; 2004-07-31.
Read the article (PDF, 0.5 MB)

FLP® five strong features help you earn every business opportunity
'Capital'; Vol 207, August 2004.
Read the article (PDF, 0.5 MB)


FLP® offers rapid application development to meet your distinct needs.
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