FLP® Business Center Services business model is more
than a business application software. It is indeed your secretary,
your accountant, your front desk, and more importantly your facilities
services - a direct source of income. You can interpret that on
the one hand FLP® Business Center perform many backoffice
roles in your company and frontline operators operations in the
service center, and on the other hand FLP® Business Center
is a direct revenue generator. If you are running a business of
provision of business center, how could you resist selecting FLP®
Business Center business model.
Calendaring and scheduling are always available online to let your
guests reserve a meeting room or any facilities. The strong facilities
management function categorizes the facilities which sometimes even
will easily be forgotten by you. Updated price is also post on the
system for easy enquiry. The facilities management is so well designed
that you will not miss to record a facility having been used by
a guest, for example, IDD calls. If you are still using a ticket
or manual notebook to make tedious records, the cost of management
and the accuracy of the calculation will soon make you frustrated.
Now that you have selected FLP® Business Center business
model, your guests can optionally sign with a password or fingerprint,
so professionally and efficiently. As a result your price of providing
business center services must be highly competitive.
The FLP® Facilities Manager helps you cut costs and
improve efficiency. What will the FLP® Document Manager
bring you? Direct income! Currently, business centers are still
emphasizing the provision of secretary, broadband, Internet connection
and personal computer. FLP® Document Manager will certainly
make you different. You provide security to the files created by
your guests. Your guest simply save the computer file in the FLP®
Document Manager and the file will be protected by the highly secured
IBM® Lotus® Domino®. If your guest is a traveling person, the file
can be retrieved even overseas with the proven PKI security measure.
You can select to offer to each of your guests an email account
for communication between you and your guest or optionally your
guests can make use of the email account to communicate with his
business counterpart. Additional facility service which can be provided
by your service center is the provision of human resources management
services and accounting services. Your may even provide the invoicing
service to your guests to issue their own sales invoices. Note that
your guests can consume your services overseas. The ability of providing
virtual office will surely increase your worldwide network and thus
more revenue.
Reduce Errors and Omissions
You employees are no longer busy in sorting out and adding up the
facilities service fees.
Efficient Book-Keeping
The FLP® Facilities Manager integrates seamlessly with
The FLP® Accounting Manager and you don't need to re-type the service
records and double entries can be triggered automatically.
Secure Document Storage Facility
FLP® Document Manager is like a safe box for your guest
to deposit files in different computer formats.
Reduce Operating Costs
Your staff can be more productive in the company to serve your guests.
Virtual Office Services
FLP® Document Manager lets you provide virtual office
services. (If you intend to provide such service, please contact
our company for more details regarding price arrangements and royalty
issue since your doing so will directly compete will us.)
