FLP® Accounting Manager is one of the FLP® software products providing an affordable solution for the accountants using next-generation technology into today's transaction entries. Don't miss the chance of experiencing this revolutionary neat and professional way of handling your daily accounting entries. Call UAT service hotline to arrange a demonstration immediately. Multi-currency, mulit-locations and multi-users is the standard rather than a dream. Revision trail is stored for every debit and credit. FLP Accounting handle each debit or credit as a record. This means you never need to worry about having no way to recover you accounting entries, for example, after a power failure. By automating accounts receivable management, the system enables the finance division to work more productively and at the same time the management is capabable of tracking recoverability of debts and essential liquidity ratios. FLP® Accounting Inherits all the advantages of security measures and groupware factilites from IBM Lotus Notes and Domino.
FLP® Accounting Manager is a revolutionary accounting application designed by professional accountants for the professional. You no longer need to repeat tedious and complicated computer routines. Start to enjoy getting accounting entries under your full control with FLP® Accounting Manager and say no to unnecessary overtime work caused by old-fashioned computer programs. FLP® uses the next-generation technology to achieve today’s business success. The immediate return on investment will justify the full implementation of the FLP® Enterprise Management System series.
No Posting
Once you have prepared the double entries, all the general ledger and financial statements are instantly updated.
Issue Cheque
You can issue cheque and make double entries at the same time.
A/R & A/P Ready
Simply debit and credit the A/R account for invoices and receipts respectively and you will have the outstanding reports immediately
Backup and security
FLP® inherits all the market leading security measures of IBM® Lotus® Notes®/DominoTM.
Direct Account Name
Are you still using account code, e.g. 11801? FLP® Accounting Manager uses account names directly, e.g. Trade Deposit.
Business Intellience
FLP® adopts the ‘as-a-whole’ concept to ensure that you easily obtain useful information.
Expand-Collapse Views
The ‘Expand & Collapse’ interface lets you view account information, e.g. General Ledger, without printing.
Contact FLP now for an evaluation and free offer this week.
