JUNE 2006
Press Release
在IBM舉行的FLP企業管理方案研討會針對出口業,與在場人士分享經驗之餘,也介紹了最近榮獲Linux Pilot最佳企業管理系統:FLP.
[2006-06-13] FLP Chief Development Officer.
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FLP News
FLP with IBM Global Financing: Deploy FLP solutions now and pay later.
[2006-06-26] FLP Division Manager.
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Linux Pilot月刊第四十六期即將發售.
[2006-06-15] Linux Pilot .
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Seminar at IBM Office, 10th Floor, PCCW Tower, Monday 12 June 2006, at 2:30 p.m. Topic: IBM Global Finance and FLP® Enterprise Management System success case sharing with you.
[2006-06-12] FLP Chief Development Officer.
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第一屆企業開源軟件應用發展論壇邀請: 2006年6月29日.
[2006-06-03] Linux Pilot .
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