FLP® is committed to contributing to the research and development in the information technology industry. Also, we believe an on-going enhancement to FLP® will bring about increased efficiency to our customers and our economy.
FLP® Allows a Purchase Order to Order the Same Product More Than Once
To cater for the real life cases that one purchase order may need to order the same product more than once, FLP® has been improved to satisfy this user requirement.
FLP® Now Support Most of The Shipping Documents
Most of the common shipping documents, e.g. Country of Origin, Packing List, Form A, etc can now be printed by FLP®.
FLP® Improves Document Locking
In a multi-user environment, document locking is essential to ensure data integrity. In this regard, FLP® has improves the document locking mechanism with respect to optimizing the performance time.
FLP® Running on IBM p-Series Server and AIX
FLP® has perfromed test run on IBM p-Series server and AIX. Result is attractive and performance is improved.
FLP® Now Integrates Seemlessly With MS Word and Excel
FLP® has been enhanced to integrate seemlessly with MS Word and Excel. You can control the access right of Word and Exce now.
FLP® Point-Of-Sales Second Generation
FLP® point-of-sales business model was released in 2004. The FLP POS business model has been enhanced to its second generation. The new design has improved its speed for the front line staff to issue a sales invoice.
FLP® Training Manager
FLP® Training Manager is a new functional manager. Instead of giving a paper user manual to FLP® users, the manual, in form of written tex and video movie in majority, is set out in the FLP® Training Manager.
New Lotus Notes email template
As an FLP® user, you may request the new email template from your FLP® developer.
Complete Bardcode Fonts Solution
FLP® is now a complete solution of barcodes: barcode fonts on documents and barcode labels.
FLP® Running on Domino 7
Domino 7 is the trend and FLP® source codes are all tested and tuned to run on Domino 7.
FLP® Supports Korean Language
FLP® running on Lotus Domino naturally supporting multi-language and FLP® is tested to support Korean Language.
You Control Who Can See What Menu
FLP® tries every means to give you to have full control of your own enterprise system. Now, you can define who can see what menu. [2005-10-05]
Email, incoming and outgoing, Filed Together with Customer
When you receive or send an email, you always wish to file it along with the customer or supplier, instead of filing the email in an email folder. Now you can with FLP®. [2005-09-08]
Chart in Excel Format
With FLP® you now can plot chart to Excel file and you can freely modify and beautify the chart at your own wish. View Demo [2005-08-19]
Barcode Scanning Enhancement
FLP® is now fully supporting barcode priting on documents, e.g. delivery notes and capturing data using barcode scanner, both wireless, bluetooth and cradle. [2005-07-22]
Customer Information Enhancement
FLP® Customer Manager has been enhanced to let you use a single mouse and navigate all information and business activities of a customer, without the necessiy of using keyboard. [2005-06-10]
New Business Modle: Course Manager
If you are running course schedules for trainings, seminars, etc, FLP® Course Manager helps you assign and match Locations, Classes,Teachers and Teachers in accordance with preferences and constraints. [2005-05-15]
One Easy Way to Disable Ctrl-break
Very often the user accidentally or mistakenly press Ctrl-break, resulting in undesirable consequence. There is an easy way, without cost, to disable Ctrl-break. [2005-04-20]
FLP Enhanced User Security and Control Using Fingerprint
User may forget the password. Some users tell the others their password. Some people see your passwordl. All make password not really secure. FLP now incorporate fingerprint as the the most reliable secuure measure to ensure true identification for authroized user. [2005-03-24]
FLP Document Manager: Version Control
When user edits a document, the original document will become 'child'. [2005-02-02]
FLP Human Resources Manager : Generating Organization Chart
Organization Chart can now be generated from FLP Human Resources Manager. [2005-01-11]
FLP Human Resources Manager : Printing Forms for IRD filings
IR56B can now be printed from FLP Human Resources Manager. [2004-12-01]